【大美广东】The 15th China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition kicks off in Zhuhai with a bang, featuring wonderful performances in the sky
Lingnan: Beauty Beyond Borders | On November 12, the 15th China International Aviation and #Aerospace Exhibition officially opened in Zhuhai, #Guangdong. At this exhibition, a large number of cutting-edge aircraft models such as the J-35A stealth fighter, Russia's Su-57 stealth fighter, and #China's H-6K Bomber gathered together to showcase the latest achievements of Chinese and international aerospace technology. The top-flight performance teams such as the #Chinese Air Force's Bayi (August 1) Aerobatic Team, China's Red Eagle Aerobatic Team, and Russia's "Warrior" #aerobatic team appeared one after another, bringing a wonderful performance to the audience.#SplendidLingnan
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