云上岭南 | 广州City Walk:坐小巴,游西关!

发布时间:2023-09-02 15:39

【大美广东】Guangzhou City Walk: Explore Xiguan with Lili Mini Buses!

广州City Walk:坐小巴,游西关!

#TheGreatBeautyofGuangdong "Do not aimlessly hang around; the Lili Mini Bus takes your lead!" How can you easily navigate the old town of Guangzhou? Hop on the "Lili Mini Bus" and embark on a unique City Walk adventure! Visit popular attractions like the Cantonese Opera Art Museum, Bruce Lee's old residence, and Chen Clan Academy. With the newly introduced "Lili Mini Bus" in Liwan, Guangzhou, you can enjoy a comprehensive exploration of the Xiguan culture, covering dining, accommodation, transportation, sightseeing, shopping, and entertainment, all in one. The dedicated route starts and ends at the  Chen Clan Academy and the Guangzhou Railway Museum, covering approximately 6 kilometers with 8 designated stops. You can explore Yongqing Fang Alleyways and watch famous Cantonese opera actors and former residences of celebrities. Savor various traditional local snacks prepared with Xiguan craftsmanship, such as scapam congee, ice cream, fish skin salad, and bamboo noodles. Dive into the stories of Xiguan while indulging in food, drinks, and entertainment, and travel through Xiguan to experience the rich Cantonese culture. On the route, you can enjoy the past and present of Xiguan at your own pace. It is truly worth experiencing!

“不要走马观花,一起荔荔小巴!”如何轻松玩转广州老城区? 搭“荔荔小巴”,来一场别开生面的City Walk吧!粤剧艺术博物馆、李小龙故居、陈家祠等热门景点,搭乘广州荔湾新推出的“荔荔小巴”,就可以“吃、住、行、游、购、娱”一条龙深度体验西关文化。专线起止点为陈家祠、广州铁路博物馆,单程约6公里,共设8个站点。到永庆坊街区,看粤剧名伶和名人故居;吃西关民间传统工艺制作的各类风味小吃,体味艇仔粥、雪糕、爽鱼皮、竹升面……在吃喝玩乐中探寻西关故事,畅游老西关感受浓浓广府人情怀,“古今西关漫享线”,值得体验!

