【大美广东】Children floating! Come to Shawan to see the Piaose parade!
On the afternoon of April 22, people in Panyu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, celebrated the 2023 Shawan Street Cultural Event under the theme of “Promote Traditional Culture, Inherit Intangible Heritages”. Here, the public was presented with a feast of 28 exquisitely crafted floral boards, a dizzying variety of folk activities, and a unique parade more than 300 meters long. How excellent!
Shawa piaose, or Shawan floating color, is a traditional folk art that originated in Guangdong Province in the Qing dynasty.
With a combination of opera, magic, acrobatics, and dance, this folk art is hailed as “Opera in still, Sculpture in moving”. The boys and girls that participate in the event are as young as 3-8 years old, and, during the performance, they need to sit on the cleverly disguised “Segeng”, usually a steel stick, creating an effect of floating. #artandculture
沙湾飘色融戏剧、魔术、杂技、舞蹈于一体,被誉为“凝固的戏剧 , 活动的雕塑”。参与飘色的“色仔色女”年仅 3-8 岁 , 他们需要坐在巧妙伪装的色梗上 , 营造出飘然欲飞的效果。