云上岭南 | 古韵新风,潮游岭南!佛山祖庙庙会盛大开锣

发布时间:2023-04-25 11:50

【大美广东】The Foshan Ancestral Temple Fair is back again!


After a three-year hiatus, the Foshan Ancestral Temple Fair (also known as the "March 3 North God Festival") was celebrated again on April 22. Under the theme of “Beautiful Lingnan, Wonderful Intangible Cultural Heritage”, the event was held to carry forward the Lingnan intangible cultural heritage with rich and diverse folk activities. Here, people can relish the grand North God parade, famous calligraphy and painting collection, intangible cultural heritage exhibition, mouth-watering food, and other exciting activities.

The highlight of the event was the intangible cultural heritage exhibition. Here, visitors can appreciate some national and provincial-level unique Foshan intangible cultural heritage,including Caizha (colorful silk handicraft), paper-cutting, New Year paintings, lanterns, Shiwan pottery, Foshan Qiuse (a folk activity), rattan works, Yubingshao wine, and other exquisite crafts. Apart from admiring brilliant handiwork, visitors can also learn how to make them and bring home their favorites! #artandculture


▲北帝巡游中的潮州英歌舞表演 主办方供图


▲祖庙庙会祈福仪式现场 主办方供图

时隔三年,佛山祖庙庙会(民间俗称“三月三北帝诞”)4月22日重启。活动以大力弘扬和传承岭南非遗文化为切入点,围绕“岭南圣域 大美非遗”的主题,开展内容丰富、形式多样的民俗文化活动,阵容庞大的北帝巡游、名家书画雅集、非遗展演、美食庙市等精彩活动轮番上演。


