云上岭南 | GBA 蔡冠深:强化大湾区“一小时生活圈”

发布时间:2023-03-07 09:57

【大美广东】Cai Guanshen: Strengthening the "One-hour Life Circle" in the

GBA 蔡冠深:强化大湾区“一小时生活圈”

#TheGreatBeautyofGuangdong Cai Guanshen, the Chairman of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area Entrepreneurs Union, put forward several proposals to promote the development of Hong Kong and the integration among the Greater Bay Area.

He proposed making taking a high-speed railway as convenient as taking the subway, purchasing clean energy to promote high-quality development and carbon neutrality, and building a demonstration platform for deeper cooperation between Guangdong and Hong Kong.

Cai believes Hong Kong can help the Greater Bay Area and mainland enterprises integrate with the outside world, and connecting with Hong Kong means connecting to the whole world.

#2023全国两会 “融·湾”港澳代表委员说系列第二期,全国政协常委、粤港澳大湾区企业家联盟主席蔡冠深在本次两会上提出包括“高铁地铁化”、购买清洁能源助力高质量发展和碳中和、打造粤港深度合作示范平台等多项惠及香港、融合大湾区的提案。蔡冠深认为,香港可以助力粤港澳大湾区、内地企业从“内联”走向“外融”,“对接了香港,就是对接了全世界”。

