云上岭南 | 广东生物多样性保护发生历史性变化

发布时间:2022-12-26 11:15

【大美广东】Historic changes in biodiversity conservation in Guangdong


Recently, the Oriental stork and the Chinese merganser, two wild species under first-class state protection, have been found in Guangzhou. They are "vivid" examples of China's biodiversity conservation achievements at the second phase of the 15th Conference of the Parties(COP15) to the Convention on Biological Diversity(CBD). And it is also a witness to the historic changes in Guangdong's biodiversity conservation.

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As of October 2022, Guangdong recorded 1,052 species of terrestrial vertebrate wildlife and 6,658 species of wild higher plants, making it one of the most biodiverse provinces in China, according to the Guangdong Forestry Administration.

A total of 278 more species of terrestrial vertebrate wildlife were recorded in Guangdong Province this year compared with 2012. After ten years of exploration and improvement, Guangdong's biodiversity protection capability has improved greatly, and the population of wild animals and plants has increased steadily.





